Capacity Development Project for Air Pollution Control in Ulaanbaatar City Phase 2 in Mongolia

2014-03-04 12:10:48
Нийслэлийн агаарын бохирдолтой тэмцэх газар

Duration of the Project: December, 2013 to June, 2017

1. Capability of emission source monitoring is strengthened.
2. Capability of ambient air quality monitoring is strengthened
3. Capability to evaluate pollution structure is strengthened by integrating emission inventory, simulation model and ambient air quality monitoring.
4. Decision making process for air pollution control is improved, by utilizing technical abilities of AQDCC and the relevant agencies.
5. AQDCC and the relevant agencies promote public awareness program and implement advisory system for citizen in Ulaanbaatar city on air pollution.
6. Capability of technical evaluation of air pollution control measures is strengthened.


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